Blackboard Tennis Schedular

Blackboard Tennis Sched.

Download Android App or Offline Browser version.
Update Player Name and Parameters


Player Name
1 or 2


Add Player to Pool



Players name




Numb. of Players







Blackboard Draw (a) vs (b)
Working on it.
Players Today

Court/ Rnd 1

Court/ Rnd 2

Court/ Rnd 3

Court/ Rnd 4





Overview  Level 7.25    Back
This is a Doubles Tennis Game Generator, Web Application that has been designed to run Online, Offline in a Browser, or as an Android Application on your Android device, Cellphone, or Tablet. Running the Android App. version on an Android device is the more reliable way to run this Application for that device type. The Android app does not require the use of the Internet. You can Download the Android app from the Amazon appstore ( )  or Download the Offline Browser version which is a zip file containing an html webpage, a Readme file, and a icon file, which once upzipped you can click on the BlackboardTennisSched.html file, which will start the Webpage up in a Browser session. For more information on the Browser Offline version, please read the ReadMe file that is contained in the zip file. There are three options available to generate those games. You can Select Random, Manual or Split.
If your device is capable of connecting to a TV screen then that would be a good way to make the draw/schedule viewable to all players, else you could transcibe your Draw/Schedule to a Blackboard, or just call the Teams out. The ideal set up is to use a 32 inch TV connected to a very cheap PC running SPARKY LINUX(It is free) . I use a HP T610 with 4GB memory(2GB would be OK) 16GB SSD. Those TV's 2nd hand, are virtually free these days. I paid $20 for a 11 year old one.

Important: With this version you must have enough Courts to support all the players that have turned up, to play at the same time.

Clicking on the Print Schedule button will produce a pdf file of the entire screen page. This file will appear in your Downloads folder and have the name "tennis<todays Date>.pdf" . This is a good way to record your history of scores.

The objective was to generate Random Balanced Games of Doubles Tennis where Casual Players would turn up on a Club day for friendly Games along with the option of making up some Games manually. It can generate/handle a maximum of four Rounds. Each Round will run for a period set up by the organizer. Any Round can be fully or partially Manually configured, or Randomly configured by this app. There is also a Split option available when you have a Mod 4 number of Players available after a Manual or Random game.
No player should end up with the same partner twice. The app also tries to avoid players playing against the same person more than once, however this is not always possible. Each Player is given a Parameter. This parameter can be 1 or 2 which could denote their Sex or Skill Level. If using the number as a Level then the Games made up work better if 25% to 33% are the Level 2 players vs Level 1. This is done to try and achieve balanced Sets and at the same time give the Level 1 players a chance of at least one good Set. The app in Random mode will match 1 & 2 players together until those combinations are exhausted. Players can be Added and Deleted between rounds. In some rounds you may not have a Mod 4 players available, hence the last court could have from 1 to 3 players assigned. How you handle this is up to the organizer. The schedule will indicate those odd players per Round by a color for each round.
To have two Games Display formats. One is a list of players indicating their Team and Court, the other shows Courts and who is playing on each Court.


  Add players to your Pool. You need at least eight players. Once you have assembled your Pool, make sure you Save it. You can also Export it with a Filename of your choice. Later on you could Import that file as your Current Pool.
To Delete a Player from your Pool just Click on that Players name. Once you have started to assign players from the pool to a Team, you cannot delete players from the Pool, but you can add them at any time and Save the updated Pool. You can Reload that Saved list at anytime.

  You can also Clear the Pool, which just Clears the Screen. It does not Clear your   Saved List. You can create a new Pool at anytime and use it. You don't have to Save it to use it. It could be a Temporary List just to use for that occassion.

Once you have your Pool of Players set up you can then Appoint them to the Team to be played that day. Just Click on the Checkbox for each player you wish to Appoint to the Team today. If you make a mistake then Click on the Player in the Team or Untick their Checkbox, and they will be put back in the Pool and the Team List will shuffle up. The next appointed player will appear at the bottom of the list. As the Rounds progress you can Delete or Add players between Rounds.

  After you have Apointed the Players you want the to either click on Manual Round  button or on Random Round  button. If you use the Manual Round  option you can assign  players to one or more Courts, and a letter of lowercase a or b . a players verse the b players. In Manual mode when you have set some or all players for that round, click on Random Rest or the Start Game button if it has appeared. If your configuration has errors the app will indicate what the error is, correct it, then click on the Random Rest or the Start Game button again. There is a third option where you can Split the players for the next game. Winners move up to the next Court and split, the loosers stay where they are and split. Remember you can Delete/Add players to Team playing, between Rounds.

The application also has two Timers, one for Round Duration and one for an Alarm that plays when the Round Duration times out. Round time can be set from 11 minutes to 98 minutes. The Alarm can be set to sound for 10 to 90 seconds.

There is also a Results to PDF button, which will allow you to print out the whole Web Page Screen. This works well when run through the Browser, and on Android App. The pdf file named tennis<Date Played>.pdf will appear in your Downloads folder.